Ash | COB, CEO & President
Kevin | InfoSec Officer
Meet the People
Behind CBC
As a private bank, we answer to you, our clients. Simply put, your goals are our goals. Meet the leadership team working hard to support your success and help you build the life wealth you deserve.
Stability, Innovation
& Entrepreneurial Spirit
Commercial Bank of California exists to support entrepreneurs and business owners in pursuing their highest calling. Our clients are people who are hard at work building the world they want to live in. We’re driven by the same spirit of constant innovation and a passion for forward-thinking leadership. Most importantly, we’re committed to being the financial rock our clients can count on for decades.

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Community Involvement
The possibilities for the future are limited only by our imagination. We envision a future with stronger, more resilient
communities, where opportunity abounds for everyone. We’re working to create that future through partnerships and numerous
forward-thinking initiatives.